We finally got some nice weather over the end of the holiday weekend, so last Sunday was a beautiful day to drive out to parts of rural Oregon and visit several of the small, local wineries that were open for the weekend. It was sunny, calm, and not even very chilly, so it was perfect for pulling out the camera and capturing some scenic shots of Oregon wine country.

I've never really figured out the tricks of photographing mountains in the distance....they often appear very washed out. Anyone have any tips?
hey there, cool photos. i just read your profile, and that's SO cool about your Orca work (I'm jealous!)!. I saw my first Orca when i was 15 and bought the identification book with all their names in and went crazy (mainly with J Pod, cause that's the guys i saw). cool blog! and OR wine country is fun too! :)
Very nice photographs. I just wish I have a great camera to capture the beauty of our environment. Keep up the good job.
Graduated Neutral Density filter works great when you have very contrasty scenes like that. Darkens the sky, and keeps the foreground light for the perfect balance. However, it's always a battle with those mountain in a distance shot. Nice pictures!!
That sunlight did me some good Monika, I can feel it now!
As for a photo tip, if you use the Auto exposure bracketing, your camera will take 3 pics, one normal, one under exposed, and one over exposed. I find the under exposed one comes out better when shooting into far off light, like a mountain. Maybe you already do this - so I'm teaching you to suck eggs!!
Johnny - Thanks for stopping by and commenting. The orcas are definitely very awesome. Even though I see them mostly in the summer months, stay tuned for some upcoming posts about them.
John - You don't have to have a great camera to take great photos! Find whatever is available to you and go have fun :)
Scott - Thanks for that!
Warren - I know about the feature, but I've never used it. Good advice - I'll try it.
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