Word is all three pods are inbound together from the Strait of Juan de Fuca. I'm out on the boat this afternoon (I can't wait!), but since I heard they were near Race Rocks I decided to check out their web video cams to see what I could see. There is a 360 degree camera that you can control, and using that I saw a huge family group of whales pass close to Race Rocks! It's a very user friendly camera, and they even have a nifty screen capture button so you can download stills to your computer. Unfortunately due to the delay I was unable to capture a photo of the orcas all surfacing together, but I did manage to get a shot of a slightly more cooperative Stellar sea lion.

I'm sure there will be more to post later after (hopefully) encountering the superpod this afternoon!!!

I'm sure there will be more to post later after (hopefully) encountering the superpod this afternoon!!!
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